Employee Outreach

In accordance with local labor laws that protect the rights of workers, all ZIG SHENG employees receive fair and equal treatment and are provided with a clean and safe work environment.

Occupational Safety and Health

Human Rights Policy

Employment Structure


Occupational Safety and Health

The first priority of ZIG SHENG occupational safety and health policies is "zero accidents". Besides observing local occupational safety and health acts, an impartial third party (DNV GL Business Assurance Co., Ltd) is regularly appointed to conduct potential hazard and risk assessments according to our own occupational safety and health and risk management procedures. The third party also suggests appropriate preventive measures to ensure a safe and friendly work environment by eliminating hazards and reducing risk.

ZIG SHENG respects human rights and cares deeply about all our employees. The company complies with all labor regulations defined in the Social Accountability International SA8000 Standard and observes the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention, which mandates gender equality, labor rights, and non-discrimination to protect workers' rights.In 2023, training related to human rights protection will also be implemented for colleagues, with a total of 110 person-hours, and a total of 55 colleagues completed the training. In 2024, when there are 170 people, a total of 170 people will complete it.

Child Labor and the Protection of Juveniles

  1. In accordance with the Labor Standards Act, ZIG SHENG does not employ child laborers under 16 years of age.
  2. ZIG SHENG does not allow juvenile workers between the ages of 16-18 to work the night shift or perform tasks that would otherwise impact the health, safety, or ethics of their work environment.

Affected Parties: applicants, all employees

The Elimination of Forced Labor

  1. ZIG SHENG does not allow forced labor (involuntary labor or service under punitive threats) of any kind.
  2. ZIG SHENG does not withhold labor deposits without legal contractual agreements and does not withhold identity documents (passport, ID) at the start of employment.
  3. ZIG SHENG does not withhold wages to force labor.
  4. Employees are free to terminate their employment where allowed by law.
  5. Employees are free to leave the company outside working hours and are not restricted in any way. ZIG SHENG practices voluntary overtime.

Affected Parties: all employees

Free Assembly and Collective Bargaining

  1. Workers are legally allowed to form or participate in labor unions to engage in collective bargaining.
  2. When collective bargaining is restricted by law, employees may reach out to management representatives or agents either by means of employee representatives or written communication.
  3. Any reports, suggestions, letters of intent etc., will be submitted by management representatives or agents to the Chairman and an appropriate response to any reports, suggestions, letters of intent etc., with be granted on the spot or in written communication and published within 15 days (latest 30 days).
  4. ZIG SHENG respects all reports, suggestions, and letters of intent submitted by employee representatives and will under no circumstances retaliate or discriminate against employees.

Affected Parties: all employees

Helping Disadvantaged Communities

  1. ZIG SHENG provides accessible employment opportunities for disadvantaged communities and disabled individuals as part of our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Affected Parties: new employees, indigenous employees, women, migrant workers, contract workers, and disabled individuals.


  1. ZIG SHENG will not terminate employment or fire any employee on the basis of class, race, gender, nationality, region, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, social and political affiliations, personal beliefs, or any other personal characteristics.
  2. ZIG SHENG observes the "Gender Equality in Employment Act" to ensure gender equality in workers' rights (employment, recruitment, compensation, benefits, training, promotions, retirement, etc.) and to eliminate gender discrimination in pursuit of greater gender equality.

Affected parties: all employees

The Elimination of Harassment and Abuse

  1. ZIG SHENG does not tolerate forced, abusive, or exploitative sexual harassment including gestures, language, or physical contact.
  2. ZIG SHENG respects the prohibition of corporal punishment, including physical and mental coercion, or verbal insults for every employee. Physical and mental abuse will not be tolerated.

Affected Parties: all employees

Labor Negotiations

ZIG SHENG advocates open communication that respects the rights of every employee. In the interests of mutual respect between employees and management, our factories have not yet organized labor unions in accordance with local labor union laws.
ZIG SHENG holds regular meetings between employees and management as required by law. These meetings between management, employee representatives, and our factories are held every three months as defined by the Labor Standards Act. The issues raised during open communication between management and employees are openly discussed, resolved, and published after each meeting. Besides these meetings between employees and management, our employees are provided with multiple communication channels, including the company website, e-mail, complaint forms, telephone numbers, and dedicated response teams. The goal is to respectfully listen to all employees, establish comprehensive communication, and create an environment that's mutually beneficial to employees and management.

Violations of Workers' Rights

Disciplinary Measures

  1. The employee code of conduct and disciplinary measures in response to violations thereof are as outlined in "The Internal Control Mechanisms for the Personnel and Payroll Cycle" and the "Stuff Code of Conduct" signed when a new employee joins the company.
  2. In order to protect employees from sexual harassment in the workplace, any incident will be handled in accordance with our "Sexual Harassment Prevention, Appeal, and Punishment Measures." Any instance of sexual harassment will be addressed with the appropriate preventative, corrective, and punitive measures.

Employee Feedback Channels

  1. Complaints Channels
    When an employee is a victim of discrimination or abuse, they may file an oral or written complaint in accordance with the provisions of our "Consultation and Communication Management Measures." The responsible department will send personnel to investigate, and provide an oral or written response to those who filed the complaint. Whistleblowers are protected under the "Integrity Management Policy" to keep their identity confidential.
  2. Bargaining Channels
    In accordance with the "Organizational Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee", ZIG SHENG grants employee representatives the right to participate in the Occupational Safety and Health Committee so that they may actively negotiate on issues within the scope of the law to adequately perform their duties as an employee representative.

Communication of Workers' Rights

ZIG SHENG shall abide by the relevant labor laws and regulations of the country in which it operates to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all employees, and provide labor-related rights and interests information from time to time to make sure employees fully understand their fundamental rights. Notifications regarding any changes to the business that may have a significant impact on employees will be made in accordance with our "Consultation and Communication Management Measures".

Employment Structure

Human resource policies at ZIG SHENG are compliant with local labor laws to protect the employees’ rights. The company provides fair and equal treatment to all employees, and cares for disadvantaged and disabled communities. Our team also supports academic and industry collaboration initiatives by the Ministry of Education to offer students internships in various industries that help to cultivate the talent required by ZIG SHENG.

2024 Diversity Indicators:

Female 2024 %
Staff 416 32.65%
Senior executive 2 0.16%
Mid-lever executive 18 1.41%

Country of Citizenship 2024 %
ROC 862 67.66%
Aboriginal 4 0.31%
Foreigner 408 32.03%

Others 2024 %
People with disabilities 20 1.57%
≤30 years old 277 21.74%
30~50 years old 744 58.40%
≥50 years old 253 19.86%

Number of people by the end of 2024:1274

ZIG SHENG operations are distributed across Taiwan to support local development policies and foster a favorable work environment that emphasizes diversity. The company seeks to employ dedicated professionals and recent graduates, as well as students participating in academic and industry collaborations and foreign professionals, to create a favorable work environment for all.

Academic and Industry Collaboration

Beginning in 2010, factory shortages inspired ZIG SHENG to begin semester and year-long academic industry collaboration initiatives with several vocational schools and technical universities, including Daojiang High School of Commerce, Hsuan Chuang University, St. John's University, and Wu Feng University, across various academic disciplines where students could apply to participate in flagship courses at our factories. Almost 20% of students returned to ZIG SHENG upon graduation or completion of military service and some now serve as entry level team managers.

Beginning in 2017, ZIG SHENG sought to cultivate mid-level management by expanding our year-long and semester academic industry collaboration to include: National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, National Chin-Yi University of Technology, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (affiliated senior high school), Kun Shan University, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and Tunghai University; across academic disciplines such as chemical materials, fibers, electric engineering, electronics, and mechanical engineering.
ZIG SHENG visits each campus annually to recruit engineering students of all disciplines to intern at our factories. After graduation, many students take positions at ZIG SHENG working as assistant engineers in various fields. The company announced an academic industry collaboration with Taichung Municipal Sha-Lu Industrial High School and National Chin-Yi University of Technology in 2020 where students studying synthetic fibers will spend one semester studying and one semester interning at our factories. The project aims to train personnel for our filament, DTY, and quality control departments. The Synthetic Fiber Department at Kun Shan University also provided major support for the project. ZIG SHENG will continue working with students from different vocational schools and technical universities in pursuit of our annual goals to train the next generation of professionals and pass on our trade.

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