Organizational Structure

  Directors (Including Independent Directors) Independent Directors Supervisor Articles of Incorporation
Articles of Incorporation
Article 13
9 3 None: The company has appointed the
Audit Committee in place of a
The latest revision:
June 6, 2024

Board Election (19 th) 10 3
Board Gender Ratio 9 male directors, 1 female director
Directors' Term 2022/06/08~2025/06/07 LIANG, LONG-SHIANG
resigned as director on 2024/06/11
Audit Committee
(2 nd)
Installed 2019/06 3 Term:
2022 / 06 / 08 ~ 2025 / 06 / 07
The names and terms of committee
members are the same as Independent Directors
Compensation Committee (5 th) Installed 2011/12 3 Term:
2022 / 06 / 10 ~ 2025 / 06 / 07
Corporate Governance Office Installed 2021/05
  • Drafting the content of the shareholders' meeting and handling related matters of the meeting.
  • Handle matters related to director election, appointment and change, and assist directors in their training.
  • Report to the board of directors the results of its review on whether the qualifications of independent directors comply with relevant laws and regulations at the time of nomination, election and during their tenure.
  • Analysis of corporate governance evaluation results and strengthening promotion of SECURITIES & FUTURES INSTITUTE, assist in updating the company website to strengthen information disclosure.
  • Formulate (revise) the company's articles of association, regulations and rules related to corporate governance, formulate (revise) information disclosure, unified reporting and management.
  • Review of the company’s material information, announcement and record.
  • Board Secretary Office Drafting, planning the agenda of Board meeting. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Board.
    Audit Office Drafting, reviewing and reporting internal audit plans; tracking and improving various major
    exceptional cases; supervising and reviewing self-inspection operations of internal control.
    General Management Division Overseeing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); assisting in the establishment and promotion of
    various management systems, the ISO quality assurance system and the OHSAS occupational
    health and safety system; management of company documents.
    Office Representative
    Responsible for Shareholders'
    Feedback or Disputes
    The company has a spokesperson system; as well as an investor and shareholder services
    communication platform. The Capital Group acts as our stock affairs agency representative.