Feedback and Complaints

ZIG SHENG strives to maintain open communication with relevant stakeholders regarding management policies, the environment, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Since 2016, the company has introduced Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) mechanisms to ensure our published reporting effectively communicates with relevant stakeholders.
Your highly valuable feedback helps us to better understand any concerns about the issues important to ZIG SHENG and serves as the foundation of our information disclosures.
Relevant stakeholders can use this official channel to fill out and submit a complaint to the responsible party. Stakeholders may also contact ZIG SHENG using the complaints hotline or e-mail listed below.

Feedback and Complaints

The following information will only be used to analyze stakeholder concerns. Thank you for your feedback and assistance.

Personal Information
Company Management
1. Sustainability Policy
2. Company Management
3. Ethics and Integrity
4. Operating Efficiency
5. Customer Satisfaction
6. Complaints Mechanism
7. Legal Compliance
8. Supplier Management
The Environment
9. Energy Conservation
10. Water Resource Management
11. Reducing Emissions
12. Waste Water and Waste Management
13. Sustainable Products and Services
14. Salary and Compensation
15. Labor and Management
16. Occupational Health and Safety
17. Job Training
18. Equal Opportunity
Human Rights
19. Forced Labor
20. Free Association and Collective Bargaining
21. Anti-Corruption
22. Fair Competition
23. Social Engagement
Other Concerns

Note: Complaints Hotline: (02) 2555-7151 ext. 8006 (Mr. Guo) or 8808 (Ms. Hong)

Complaints E-Mail:

If you would like Zig Sheng to reply to your feedback then please provide more detailed contact information.